India is going through a period of transformation currently. The developing nation hasn’t reached the zenith of modernization yet the process is rapidly underway. There are various hurdles in the path of development. Illiteracy is still a major issue in the country. Although the number of government and private schools and colleges is rapidly increasing every year, yet, is it solving the issue of illiteracy? Or, is it just the number of educational institutions, more like business organizations, that are going on increasing?

The youths of the country have been of a self-destructive path. They’ve diverted attention from creative activities and turning it towards destruction. There has been an exponential rise in criminal and unethical activities throughout the length and breadth of the country. Things such as violence towards women, murder, abduction, cyber crimes, workplace harassment, etc. have increased manifolds. And presently, many such atrocities are being committed by Indian Youths.

The youth of the country is one of the most important aspects of India’s development. They are the future and they are the ones who will create the future. But, if the current trend continues, Indian youth will be nothing but a bunch of brats and goons troubling everyone everywhere. What then is the solution to this issue?

Reading Culture

Today’s tech-savvy generation spends most of its time over the internet and other gadgets which make life comfortable and a lot more fun. Kids these days prefer watching TV programs, web series, etc. rather than going for outdoor games, studies, reading etc.

Reading as an activity shouldn’t just be confined to the academic syllabus. It’s a pleasurable activity which plays an essential role in the development of an individual. Reading Culture, in simple words, can be described as a condition which creates affinity towards books and encourages the activity of reading. Not only books included in academics, but it also promotes reading every kind of books from various genres. Reading culture is an effort to increase the affinity of people towards reading. While it might not be an immediate solution to the issues that are mentioned above, but it is a step towards the solution.

Development and Benefits of Reading Culture

While there aren’t any hard and fast rules regarding the development of Reading Culture but, there are certain steps to initiate the process.

  • Parents play a crucial role in everyone’s lives, especially during childhood. They are the ones who introduce children to the world and its conditions and shapes them to face it and live their lives. They inculcate values and morals that harness the child’s personality. The habit of reading, just like any other habit can be developed in a person at very early stages of life. Many times, parents prefer to entertain their kids using smartphones, TVs and other methods. This sometimes becomes a reason of headache for the parents in the future. Reading, on the other hand, can be initiated by the parents in simple ways like reading stories or poems to the young ones when they go to sleep or telling them stories during the leisure times of the day. And once they’re able to read, they shouldn’t be forced by their parents to study all the time. They should allow their kids to read anything and everything they like. From magazines to storybooks, comics to literature, the kids must be provided with an ample number of things to read and let them decide what they want to read. This generally attracts the curiosity of the young minds and kindles their interest in reading and creates a habit.
  • Just like parents, schools and teachers play an equally important role in creating the reading culture. Methods like DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), reading hours, classroom libraries, etc. Should be introduced to the students at very tender ages so that they won’t feel burdened with studies. Teachers should ensure that the students read anything related to any genre which they like and not just English or any other languages. Reading, rather than being monotonous, should feel like a fun ride.
  • Visiting Libraries during school and college days is also an essential step in initiating the habit of reading. The school and college libraries should not be free from strict restrictions for students who are genuinely interested in reading and should also try to promote the habit among the students who do not like to read. Apart from that, visiting public Libraries is also very helpful since it hosts a large array of books for the young generation to choose from. Book Cafes, an innovative method, that helps the visitors read while munching on their snacks, also provides a unique experience to the people and attracts their interest in reading. Such reading places should open up more and more and the district administration and other authorities in every part of the country should look after their creation and sustenance of such book cafes and libraries.
  • Book Club is a group of readers who read and discuss books. While as an individual you don’t feel like reading but joining a real-life or virtual book club or any such book-related community can kindle your passion towards books and reading. These discussions about books are also very crucial since they cover various genres and topics at large. Apart from just a pleasurable activity, being a part of a book club can also be very educative.

Parents have a preconceived notion that reading anything which isn’t related to studies is a waste of time. And this is certainly a bogus ideology.  Reading and memorizing course-related books might help the students in fetching good marks during their education and learn new skills, whereas reading various texts such as novels, magazines, newspapers, etc. makes them aware of the world and helps them in life.

  • Reading helps in developing creativity and widens the scope of imagination. Be it the mythological tales like the Mahabharata by Maharishi Vedvyas or the fantastical ones like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, they are filled with some unimaginable things. Reading about such stuff makes young minds wonder and wander in the World of imagination which is potentially infinite.
  • In India, the process of parents making career choices for their kids is still prevalent. Many young people suffer due to this since they have to let go of their passion to fulfil their parents’ desires. Even in many cases, since they are so engrossed in their career-related things, they become unaware of their passion. Reading helps them realize their true passion and lets them explore it. Or at least give it a try.
  • Reading creates awareness among people. Many of us are ignorant about the society and its workings. Reading novels and magazines helps in increasing our awareness about various geopolitical, cultural, historical aspects of the society, and the World at large. Reading anything to gain knowledge is always helpful.

So various beneficial factors make reading an essential part of everyone’s life. It may or may not inculcate values and eradicate crimes and directly from the society but the process helps in the long run. The well-read and well-educated young generation is the backbone of every country.

Now, do you read? If you don’t then it’s never too late to begin.

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